Wednesday, September 22, 2010

How to Hush Your Rottweiler’s Whining

Whining is problem that you may encounter as the owner of a Rottweiler puppy. It’s irritating and unbearable at times, especially after a long day and when all you want is some peace and quiet! Now, you might be thinking of finding a new home for your puppy, but keep your cool and you should find that to stop your Rottweiler’s whining is actually quite simple.

The first thing to do when your pup starts whining uncontrollably is to try and find the reason behind his whining, As yourself questions such as, have you been feeding him properly? His whining could be his way of telling you that he is hungry, thirsty or feeling uncomfortable in his new home.

If you have done just about everything to keep him quiet-from filling his food bowl to giving him a new toy- then you may want to try another method. You could purchase an electronic device from the pet store. This device emits an unpleasant, high pitched sound that is audible only to dogs. Dog’s ears are quite sensitive even to the slightest sounds. This will immediately catch your dog’s attention. Once you’ve diverted his attention you can proceed to calming him down and stop his whining.

However, if you are uncomfortable with this method of training, another way to stop Rottweiler whining is through the old fashioned use of the word “no”. With a stern voice, tell your dog “no” once he or she starts to whine. This method will definitely take longer as compared to the use of an electric device, but if you consistently train your Rottweiler using this method it will prove to be a lot more effective. Just remember that you should never resort to hitting or yelling at your puppy in an attempt to curb his bad behavior.

Roman Deluna, author of this article is also interested about how to stop Rottweilers from digging and recommends you to please check out Rottweiler obedience training if you liked reading this information.

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