Wednesday, September 22, 2010

How to Stop Rottweiler Biting

Biting is one of the major issues that you could face as a dog owner, especially if your dog can be quite aggressive, like a Rottweiler. Some biting is harmless, like when a puppy bites while playing around, but it can become a problem when it becomes incontrollable and potentially harmful to the people in your household.

It is important that you train your Rottweiler as a puppy. This is the stage in his life where he learns to do things that he would normally learn out in his natural habitat. Do you know that playful teething your puppy does? Well, it is actually a lot more than just that. It is his way of asserting and establishing his position in the pack! Once you notice the start of this behavior, you need to be assertive in the same way. You need to be able to train your puppy to stop this behavior.

There are plenty of safe and effective methods to stop Rottweiler biting. You will need to find one that works for both you and your puppy. One that you could try is to mimic the environment a puppy would normally go through. Try to train your puppy in the same way his mother would have…you can pinch his neck lightly or mimic the sound of a hurt dog when he bites you. You can also try giving you dog chew toys when he is teething. This will teach him that it is absolutely inappropriate to bite other people.

For older Rottweilers, specifically those a year old or even older, it is definitely harder to stop them from biting This is because they are more set in their ways by this age and are becoming more and more dominant. The best that you can do is to refrain from playing rough games (like tug of war, etc.) with him and to keep him within your house.

Roman Deluna, author of this article is also interested about how to stop Rottweilers from digging and recommends you to please check out Rottweiler obedience training if you liked reading this information.

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