Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Stop Rottweilers from Digging up the Yard!

Rottweilers can look like a real darling but they do a lot of annoying things. Their owners suffer from anxiety once these pets become pests! Endless barking, urinating everywhere, chewing everything they get hold off are bad habits that will give you a constant headache. But nothing will hold a candle to a Rottweiler digging!

All these problems can be avoided if you trained your puppy early! Proper training involves giving your puppy a lot of attention and rewards for good behavior. You have to be consistent with your commands and treatment if you really want a change in their behavior. Dogs love the attention they get from their masters and ignoring them when they behave poorly will only worsen the situation.

Dogs dig just for the heck of it! They dig because they find it fun or they are extremely bored. Others dig because they are trying to escape and in this situation you have to take extreme measures. If your dog escapes they could get lost or hurt.

Dogs love digging into fresh dirt and fertilizer. They seem to be digging for a cool place to lie in or a place to hide their bone. One of the best ways to stop Rottweilers from digging is to give them enough activities and exercises. Learning new tricks can give them lots of mental stimulation and keep their minds away from digging. There's a saying that goes: "A bored mind is the playground of the devil." This may well apply to Rottweilers. A bored dog is susceptible to creating a lot of devilish deeds - messing up the house, chewing furniture and of course, digging up the whole yard!

Think ahead and think smartly to stop Rottweilers from digging. If he's into digging to hide his bones then for the love of God, stop giving him bones! Give him treats or those edible-easy to consume doggy bones so he won't have the need to dig and bury them.

For other smart techniques to prevent your dog from digging, look up for more information!

Roman Deluna, author of this article is also interested in how to stop Rottweilers from digging and recommends you to please check out Rottweiler obedience training if you liked reading this information.

Sure Ways to Stop Rottweiler Biting

Biting for puppies can be their form of play. It may seem harmless but Rottweilers are huge dogs and even the puppies can hurt you with their bite even if it was not their intention. It is important that as young puppies you should already take measures to stop Rottweiler biting.

Just when you think your puppy is just playing, he is actually demonstrating behaviors that are natural in the wild. Your puppy is actually asserting his position in the pack and to establish that he uses biting! This is the right time to assert your training while he is still eager to learn and is still controllable.

There are many ways to train your puppy; you just need to choose one that works for both of you. One technique is to copy the environment that a puppy is familiar with if he had stayed on with his mom and siblings. Try this! Pinch the puppy lightly on the back of his neck or whimper like another puppy whenever you are hurt from his biting. Use replacement therapy by giving him a toy to bite instead of your hand. In both methods you are teaching your puppy that it is improper to bite people. If that doesn’t work then seek professional help in training your puppy.

If you allow puppies to keep on playful biting they will learn to play on biting quickly. Rotts have the innate attitude of being dominant. If you’re not careful your dog will rule your house by the age of 1. In dog years that means he’s a teen ager. Avoid rough physical games like tug of war or wrestling. These are dominance related games and if he catches on it will be harder for you to discipline him from biting as he gets older.

If you want to learn more on how to train your puppy and stop him from biting, visit

Roman Deluna, author of this article is also interested in how to stop Rottweilers from digging and recommends you to please check out Rottweiler obedience training if you liked reading this information.

The Proper Rottweiler Puppy Training

Puppies can be so cute especially if you started training them good behavior really early. A simple tool like a puppy crate is the most convenient and easy way to train your puppies. Getting them used to staying in a crate so you can carry them around with you whenever you leave home will reduce destructive behaviors brought on by separation anxiety. It’s an important tool to use when you’re housebreaking a new puppy.

In Rottweiler puppy training, the puppy crate is their sanctuary! In the wild, dogs look for a small safe place to hide way where they can feel warm and safe. The puppy crate is the perfect substitute. Dogs running in too much space get confused in differentiating their home boundaries from the rest of the area. This confusion leads to anxiety because they try to conquer it all.

Puppy crate training is essential in curbing the behavior of your puppy. Adult dogs that never got used to a crate will have a hard time adjusting to small spaces. They feel anxious when confined. Puppies adapt to small spaces quicker. If you didn’t allow your pup to sleep on your bed then he won’t know the difference and won’t be as upset.

A great place to put the puppy crate is the family room where there is a lot of human traffic. Getting them used to having a lot of people around will train them to get used to people’s presence. At night, place the crate in your room so they would feel safe that there is someone nearby. At the start, assuring them that they are safe helps keep them calm. After a month, you’ll be able to leave them in one place without any issues.

Never leave your puppy in a crate without any food and water or even a toy. The crate should just be small enough for the puppies to have room to turn around in. If it is too big that they can walk around in it they are sure to leave a mess! Make sure its just big enough for comfort without them being cramped.

For more tips on Rottweiler puppy training visit

Roman Deluna, author of this article is also interested in how to stop Rottweilers from digging and recommends you to please check out Rottweiler obedience training if you liked reading this information.

Best Ways to Stop Rottweiler Chasing

Rottweilers by nature are really frisky animals. As puppies they can do a whole lot of mundane and crazy activities that are all just natural for them. Digging up your garden, jumping on people and aggressiveness may seem to be just normal play for these dogs. But because Rottweilers are large canines their behavioral issues can be intimidating.

If your dog has the tendency to chase people or animals the best way to address this issue is to prevent it from happening. The best time to stop Rottweiler chasing is to start training them while they are still young puppies. At this age they are still trainable to follow your commands. The reason why you have to instill your reinforcement early is to protect your dog and the people or animals your dog is chasing from potential danger. There may be many methods to stop Rottweiler chasing but the best is still to prevent him from developing that habit.

If your dog loves chasing cars then it is important that you always keep him in a leash when you take him out for a walk. To prevent an accidental road kill from happening don’t allow your dog to roam freely on the roadway. Teach your dog his boundaries especially if you live in urban areas where there is a lot of traffic. Training your dog to stay within his boundaries will help lessen his aggressive behavior toward people or animals that might happen to walk close by.

Your Rott might take up the habit of chasing you around the yard as a form of fooling around. Don’t let him get used to it! As he gets older and bigger it will be harder for you to restrain him from what he thinks is just harmless play. Chasing can also trigger aggressive behavior in Rotts. So the best way to stop Rottweiler chasing is to not run away when he tries to play!

To know more why Rotts love chasing and to find ways to prevent this nasty habit visit

Roman Deluna, author of this article is also interested in how to stop Rottweilers from digging and recommends you to please check out Rottweiler obedience training if you liked reading this information.

Dealing with Aggressive Rottweiler Behavior

Aggressive Rottweiler behavior is an issue that should be dealt with immediately. This behavior can be triggered by a simple dominance issue between your dog and you. Or it may have stemmed from a traumatic experience they had when they were puppies, like an attack from another dog. Whatever the reason is you have to find a resolve to this behavior problem. Otherwise it may become dangerous for your family or friends who happen to be near your dog.

Aggressive Rottweiler behavior can begin in dogs as early as 6 weeks of their age. This is the stage where the puppy must be accustomed to socializing with other pets, family members and friends. Puppies must be taught to be comfortable with their surroundings. Train your dog to socialize until he reaches 14 weeks old or until he gets adjusted to his environment.

One tip in reducing aggressive behavior is not to separate the puppy from its litter before they reach the age of 8 weeks. Between the ages of 8 to 10 weeks, use kid gloves in treating your puppy. Don’t use forms of harsh punishments on a young puppy or this will contribute to the development of aggressive behavior.

Environment is one of the major causes of aggressive behavior. A dog exposed to poor living conditions, lack of socialization, rough treatment from its masters or previous attacks from other dogs is most likely to develop aggressiveness as it gets older. Heredity and genetics are also the known triggers of these bad behaviors. Dogs that haven’t been spayed are prone to aggressive behavior than those that are already neutered.

Dogs by nature are pack animals. A dog wanting to establish his dominance in a pack can lead to episodes of biting, posturing and other aggressive behaviors. You have to establish dominance over your dog in his early stages of life so you can be in control of your household.

If you are encountering aggressive Rottweiler behavior that you cannot handle, refer to so you will have more information on how to deal with these issues.

Roman Deluna, author of this article is also interested in how to stop Rottweilers from digging and recommends you to please check out Rottweiler obedience training if you liked reading this information.

How to Deal with Rottweiler Health Problems

The best way to deal with Rottweiler health problems is a quick visit to the vet! But before your dog’s ailment becomes a real emergency, knowledge on how to deal with your dog’s health issues can be really helpful. If you allow his health condition to get worse it will turn out to be an expensive and emotionally devastating experience! Keeping your dog healthy at all times will help avoid you getting emotionally and financially stressed!

Rottweilers like human can suffer from the same health issues. They don’t have the voice to tell you what’s wrong with them and this fact makes it difficult to figure out what their ailment really is. That is why it is important to recognize the immediate symptoms in order to save you and your pet from stress and pain.

Ear infections are one of the most common ailment afflicting dogs. Ears are susceptible to bacterial growth and foreign materials that enter the ear. They are also prone to eye, skin and mouth infections specially those involving the teeth. Always check your dog’s ear form swelling, red spots, excess moisture and dirt. Good grooming habits like keeping their teeth, ears, eyes and coat clean will help a lot in reducing bacterial growth and cause of infections. This practice can also help kill fleas which are a common cause of allergies which eventually lead to infections. Certain foods and medications can also cause allergies. A regular check up with your veterinarian can help avoid these health issues.

Dogs are not exempt from diabetes. Although it’s not a common disease among dogs they are not immune from the disease. You have to keep your dog on the correct food diet and avoid giving them table scraps or leftover food.

For complete information on the various ailments that can afflict your dog visit . The site will also give you the proper treatments in dealing with these ailments.

Roman Deluna, author of this article is also interested in how to stop Rottweilers from digging and recommends you to please check out Rottweiler obedience training if you liked reading this information.

Understanding Rottweiler Separation Anxiety

The signs of Rottweiler separation anxiety start with consistent barking the moment you step out of the house. If allowed to persist your dog will resort to more vicious behavior. This kind of behavior will include relentless barking, potty mess everywhere and total destruction of your furniture. You have to understand the nature of your dog’s anxiety in order to solve the issue.

Rottweilers are basically pack animals. They are very attached to their pack leaders and masters…. and that means YOU! The anxiety they feel is created by your specific actions. The actions you do before you leave and when you get home are causes of their anxiety. Let’s take for example that you got them used to getting a treat or petting them every time you step out or get home. If you do this everyday and your dog got used to this routine it is but natural that he won’t be able to restrain his anxiousness every time he sees you leave.

There are ways to correct this behavior. Like, try changing your routine. If you are set in your ways this may be difficult for you. Perhaps it is you who needs training! Joking aside you have to realize that your dog is connecting your actions to your leaving. Hearing your alarm clock, seeing you get dressed and preparing to leave is enough to set your dog on an anxiety attack! Set your alarm on a different time, vary the time you get dressed and don’t just run out the door with your car keys. Take your time and put variety in your daily schedule and this will help reducing Rottweiler separation anxiety.

Every time you arrive or leave don’t give too much attention to your pet. Try ignoring your dog for the first 10-15 minutes when you get home. Try not to pet him when you’re leaving even if he gives you that irresistible sad dog look. If you’re leaving for just a short time put the dog in a training crate or place them in another room in the house.

There are other effective ways to correct Rottweiler separation anxiety. Visit to learn more about them.

Roman Deluna, author of this article is also interested in how to stop Rottweilers from digging and recommends you to please check out Rottweiler obedience training if you liked reading this information.

How to Use a Crate in Housebreaking a Rottweiler Puppy

The reality of what it is really like to take care of a dog only sets in the first time your puppy makes a mess on your floor. Housebreaking a Rottweiler Puppy is a really big challenge and test of your patience in building your relationship with your dog.

Puppies are puppies. They are like little children that need to be taught the proper way to potty. This can be very frustrating especially for first time dog owners. The good news is there are techniques that you can teach your dog to do his business in the proper places. Using a very simple tool like a crate is an effective way in housebreaking a Rottweiler puppy.

Crates are used to train puppies in establishing boundaries and in dealing with separation anxiety. They are also used in housebreaking a dog. Dogs don’t pee or poo in the area where they snooze. Holding them up in crate for a reasonable amount of time trains them how to hold their bladder until they are released. Once they are free, take them outdoors so they immediately can do their business. Give them positive encouragement to make use of the backyard every time they need to potty.

Crates are great tools in housebreaking a Rottweiler puppy. They also function as a safe place to keep your puppy when you’re not around to look after them. Leaving your puppies to roam around freely and unsupervised can lead to disastrous behavior like ruining furniture or doing their mess on the floor. Train your dog to get used to spending more time in the crate but don’t leave them in longer than 6 to 8 hours every time.

If your dog accidentally does his business inside the house don’t go ballistic by yelling at them or sticking their nose into their mess. Just take them outside immediately and clean up the mess. Dogs tend to go back to the last place they did their potty by using the scent of the spot. So use a powerful cleaner to eliminate the scent on the floor.

To learn other ways in housebreaking your Rottweiler puppy visit

Roman Deluna, author of this article is also interested in how to stop Rottweilers from digging and recommends you to please check out Rottweiler obedience training if you liked reading this information.

Steps to Stop Rottweiler Whining

A Rottweiler puppy can be cute as a button but not when he starts whining! Rottweilers are in general big dogs even as puppies. The whining sound they make is even bigger. You can imagine how disturbing they can be to your neighbors. All that whining will keep you up all night unless you do something about it.

First of all, find out why your puppy is whining. Dogs can’t really speak so they whine to express how they feel. They are probably feeling hot or cold, or just plain hungry. A newly bought puppy might even be homesick and just getting acquainted to their new surroundings.

Now stop your evil thoughts of returning the puppy to the store where you bought it from! Before you totally give up hope in calming down your puppy here are some solutions to solve your “whiny” problem.

One way to stop Rottweiler whining is to use an electronic device that sends out high pitched sounds that only the dog can hear. Dogs have a very sharp sense of hearing. The sound of this device is very unpleasant to dog’s ears and this could easily disrupt them from their whining.

The dog’s ears are sensitive to sharp commands and sounds. Use a stern voice and the command “NO!” every time the dog starts to whine. It’s an effective but not a fast way to stop Rottweiler whining. Roll up a piece of newspaper and slapping it against your hand will easily jolt your dog out of that behavior. Again, it will take time and patience. Just don’t hit the dog with the newspaper! Under no circumstance should you hurt the dog every time he displays unfavorable behavior.

There are various humane ways to train your dog and you will learn all of them if you visit

Roman Deluna, author of this article is also interested in how to stop Rottweilers from digging and recommends you to please check out Rottweiler obedience training if you liked reading this information.

Effective Clicker Rottweiler Training

It doesn’t matter what kind of breed you own but all dogs are trainable. Using a clicker to train a dog is an effective and compassionate way to make our canine friends obediently follow our commands. The results of clicker Rottweiler training are very impressive. Once you become highly skilled in the use of the clicker trainer then you’ll be able to train your dog any trick you want it to be taught.

You can use a clicker to control the behavior of your dog especially when you are trying to teach your dog new tricks. The trick there is to train your dog to correlate the command with the sound of the clicker. Here is how it works. Train your dog to do specific tricks and every time they get it right reward them with a clicker sound followed by a treat.

A clicker is a device that makes a strong, sharp sound that is not audible to human ears. Only dogs, with their keen sense of hearing, can hear that sound up to 20 yards away. Repeated use of the clicker, followed by a treat of course, every time the dog successfully does the trick will make him associate the sound of the clicker to a reward of food! You’ll be surprised how fast dogs and puppies quickly pick this up! Usually after three training sessions the dogs have now associated with the sound and you can actually do away with the treats and use just the clicker. From using the clicker you can gradually move on to training them with verbal commands.

This method is a lot better than shouting commands to the dog. No matter what happens never spank or slap your dog if he misbehaves or doesn’t get the trick right. These will just make the dog develop hostile and aggressive behavior.

For more tips on how to train dogs, visit

Roman Deluna, author of this article is also interested in how to stop Rottweilers from digging and recommends you to please check out Rottweiler obedience training if you liked reading this information.