Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Effective Clicker Rottweiler Training

It doesn’t matter what kind of breed you own but all dogs are trainable. Using a clicker to train a dog is an effective and compassionate way to make our canine friends obediently follow our commands. The results of clicker Rottweiler training are very impressive. Once you become highly skilled in the use of the clicker trainer then you’ll be able to train your dog any trick you want it to be taught.

You can use a clicker to control the behavior of your dog especially when you are trying to teach your dog new tricks. The trick there is to train your dog to correlate the command with the sound of the clicker. Here is how it works. Train your dog to do specific tricks and every time they get it right reward them with a clicker sound followed by a treat.

A clicker is a device that makes a strong, sharp sound that is not audible to human ears. Only dogs, with their keen sense of hearing, can hear that sound up to 20 yards away. Repeated use of the clicker, followed by a treat of course, every time the dog successfully does the trick will make him associate the sound of the clicker to a reward of food! You’ll be surprised how fast dogs and puppies quickly pick this up! Usually after three training sessions the dogs have now associated with the sound and you can actually do away with the treats and use just the clicker. From using the clicker you can gradually move on to training them with verbal commands.

This method is a lot better than shouting commands to the dog. No matter what happens never spank or slap your dog if he misbehaves or doesn’t get the trick right. These will just make the dog develop hostile and aggressive behavior.

For more tips on how to train dogs, visit

Roman Deluna, author of this article is also interested in how to stop Rottweilers from digging and recommends you to please check out Rottweiler obedience training if you liked reading this information.

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