Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sure Ways to Stop Rottweiler Biting

Biting for puppies can be their form of play. It may seem harmless but Rottweilers are huge dogs and even the puppies can hurt you with their bite even if it was not their intention. It is important that as young puppies you should already take measures to stop Rottweiler biting.

Just when you think your puppy is just playing, he is actually demonstrating behaviors that are natural in the wild. Your puppy is actually asserting his position in the pack and to establish that he uses biting! This is the right time to assert your training while he is still eager to learn and is still controllable.

There are many ways to train your puppy; you just need to choose one that works for both of you. One technique is to copy the environment that a puppy is familiar with if he had stayed on with his mom and siblings. Try this! Pinch the puppy lightly on the back of his neck or whimper like another puppy whenever you are hurt from his biting. Use replacement therapy by giving him a toy to bite instead of your hand. In both methods you are teaching your puppy that it is improper to bite people. If that doesn’t work then seek professional help in training your puppy.

If you allow puppies to keep on playful biting they will learn to play on biting quickly. Rotts have the innate attitude of being dominant. If you’re not careful your dog will rule your house by the age of 1. In dog years that means he’s a teen ager. Avoid rough physical games like tug of war or wrestling. These are dominance related games and if he catches on it will be harder for you to discipline him from biting as he gets older.

If you want to learn more on how to train your puppy and stop him from biting, visit

Roman Deluna, author of this article is also interested in how to stop Rottweilers from digging and recommends you to please check out Rottweiler obedience training if you liked reading this information.

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