Rottweilers by nature are really frisky animals. As puppies they can do a whole lot of mundane and crazy activities that are all just natural for them. Digging up your garden, jumping on people and aggressiveness may seem to be just normal play for these dogs. But because Rottweilers are large canines their behavioral issues can be intimidating.
If your dog has the tendency to chase people or animals the best way to address this issue is to prevent it from happening. The best time to stop Rottweiler chasing is to start training them while they are still young puppies. At this age they are still trainable to follow your commands. The reason why you have to instill your reinforcement early is to protect your dog and the people or animals your dog is chasing from potential danger. There may be many methods to stop Rottweiler chasing but the best is still to prevent him from developing that habit.
If your dog loves chasing cars then it is important that you always keep him in a leash when you take him out for a walk. To prevent an accidental road kill from happening don’t allow your dog to roam freely on the roadway. Teach your dog his boundaries especially if you live in urban areas where there is a lot of traffic. Training your dog to stay within his boundaries will help lessen his aggressive behavior toward people or animals that might happen to walk close by.
Your Rott might take up the habit of chasing you around the yard as a form of fooling around. Don’t let him get used to it! As he gets older and bigger it will be harder for you to restrain him from what he thinks is just harmless play. Chasing can also trigger aggressive behavior in Rotts. So the best way to stop Rottweiler chasing is to not run away when he tries to play!
To know more why Rotts love chasing and to find ways to prevent this nasty habit visit
Roman Deluna, author of this article is also interested in how to stop Rottweilers from digging and recommends you to please check out Rottweiler obedience training if you liked reading this information.
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