Wednesday, October 27, 2010

How to Use a Crate in Housebreaking a Rottweiler Puppy

The reality of what it is really like to take care of a dog only sets in the first time your puppy makes a mess on your floor. Housebreaking a Rottweiler Puppy is a really big challenge and test of your patience in building your relationship with your dog.

Puppies are puppies. They are like little children that need to be taught the proper way to potty. This can be very frustrating especially for first time dog owners. The good news is there are techniques that you can teach your dog to do his business in the proper places. Using a very simple tool like a crate is an effective way in housebreaking a Rottweiler puppy.

Crates are used to train puppies in establishing boundaries and in dealing with separation anxiety. They are also used in housebreaking a dog. Dogs don’t pee or poo in the area where they snooze. Holding them up in crate for a reasonable amount of time trains them how to hold their bladder until they are released. Once they are free, take them outdoors so they immediately can do their business. Give them positive encouragement to make use of the backyard every time they need to potty.

Crates are great tools in housebreaking a Rottweiler puppy. They also function as a safe place to keep your puppy when you’re not around to look after them. Leaving your puppies to roam around freely and unsupervised can lead to disastrous behavior like ruining furniture or doing their mess on the floor. Train your dog to get used to spending more time in the crate but don’t leave them in longer than 6 to 8 hours every time.

If your dog accidentally does his business inside the house don’t go ballistic by yelling at them or sticking their nose into their mess. Just take them outside immediately and clean up the mess. Dogs tend to go back to the last place they did their potty by using the scent of the spot. So use a powerful cleaner to eliminate the scent on the floor.

To learn other ways in housebreaking your Rottweiler puppy visit

Roman Deluna, author of this article is also interested in how to stop Rottweilers from digging and recommends you to please check out Rottweiler obedience training if you liked reading this information.

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